Thursday, February 2, 2017

January 23 through 27th

Keenoy Koala News                                1-27-17

Koala of the Week
Our Koala of the Week is Kyan Larson.  Kyan loves being involved in sports.  He plays basketball and soccer.  He also loves to go to the skate park to work on his skateboarding tricks.  Some of his other hobbies include solving different types of Rubik’s cubes and playing outside with friends.  His family includes his mom (Somer), dad (Brian), brother (Holden), and sister (Hannah).  He is the youngest in his family.

The next Koala of the Week is Kyler Thomas.  It is nice when students bring in pictures, medals, or other items to fill the bulletin board outside of our classroom.  Thank you!

Shakespeare’s Pizza PTA/BIZTOWN Fundraiser
Our class sold over 700 dollars’ worth of pizza!  Our class goal was for each person to sell two pizzas totaling 24 dollars.  24 dollars X 25 students = $600!  As you can see, we exceeded this goal by over 100 dollars!  I am VERY proud of the Koalas for helping PTA with the cost of this trip.  Thank you Koalas and Parents!

Valentine’s Party and Exchange
Our valentine party will be Tuesday, Feb. 14 from 2:15-3:00. Any parents that are helping with the party may begin setting up at 2:00. Students may bring valentines for their classmates. This is not required. However, if students choose to bring valentines, there should be one for each student in the class. Attached to this newsletter is a class list. While we will not decorate bags/boxes at school, students are more than welcome to do this at home and bring to school for exchanging valentines.

This week we focused on:
*Identifying fractions that are in simplest form and finding the simplest form of a fraction.
*understanding the connection/equivalence of fractions, decimals, and percents.
*Representing decimals as fractions (tenths and hundredths).

We will spend the next couple of days reviewing. The assessment will more than likely be on Tuesday or Wednesday.

We started discussing our next read aloud on Thursday called, Children of the Dust Bowl.   I spent a couple of days building background knowledge about the Great Depression and life during the 1930s.  During this time, a section of the United States (Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and Nebraska) went through a devastating drought. The combination of the economic crisis and the drought made life for people living in this area especially tough.  One of the reasons I selected this informational text is to help students with their own charity informational writing.  I plan on frequently using this story as a model text during our writing workshop time.  
The comprehension strategies that we will continue focusing on include:
*Compare and Contrasting
*Point of View
*Cause and Effect
*Main Idea

Informational Writing
Thank you for taking the time this week to visit with your child about their charity selection ideas.  This discussion seemed helpful, and I enjoyed reading each of their summaries about the great conversations.  Students have now selected their charity to research. 

During the first part of writing, my lesson has focused on Organization.  We have looked closely at the rubric expectations for organization. We then graded several non-fiction texts to help better understand how writers organize their informational stories.  I am then providing students time (during the second half of writing) to research information about their charity.  I shared a Google Doc with them that provides several helpful sites for each charity.  Although students can branch off of this list, most students are finding the information needed within the sites provided. 

Science/Social Studies
Typically we save a portion of our afternoon for either Science or Social Studies.  Since we started researching charities, it has been very difficult to get the lessons in during that time of the day.  Students are finding out that researching information from the web takes a lot of time!  We will get back into our regular routine again next week.

In science, we will finish up with our experimental design unit.  Students will conduct an experiment by testing the amount of force needed to pull a bag of sand across three different types of surfaces.  Our next unit in science will focus on matter.  In social studies, we will continue learning about Pre-Revolutionary War events.

Word Study
Word Study is also an area that I plan to make a bigger priority starting next week.  We will focus on when to use the suffix sion vs. tion.  Please look for students to bring home their spelling words to study throughout the week.  I will have them write the spelling words in their planner too.     

Upcoming Dates
Feb. 6               No School - Teacher Workday
Feb. 9               Bookapalooza 6-8pm (see note in folder for more info.)
Feb. 13-17          Conference Week

                                                                                                Dan Keenoy

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