Friday, September 23, 2016

September 19th Through 23rd

Keenoy Koala News                         9-23-16

Dear Families,

I hope that everyone had a wonderful week.  Overall the Keenoy family is doing well and staying busy as always.  Jessi and I feel like chauffeurs most evenings, but enjoy our kiddos being involved in so many activities.  Jessi and I often use the phrase, “Divide and Conquer!”  Gabby had her very first soccer game this week.  Watching three year olds try and play soccer made our hearts feel good.   

Unfortunately, I just found out that my 89 year old grandmother passed away.  I spent most of my Thursday evening on the phone with my sister and other relatives instead of working on Friday folder comments/marks.  Therefore, students will write their own work study habits on a reflection page.  ALL marks will be double checked by me for accuracy and will still need to be signed/returned.  Thank you for understanding.
We began Topic 3 (Multiplying Whole Numbers) on Monday.
Students reviewed and applied commutative (order), associative (grouping), identity (6x1=6), and zero (6x0=0) properties of multiplication.  Students used partial products to multiply numbers by a one-digit number as well as a two-digit number.

*Knowing their basic facts fluently is essential for this unit.  Many of my students are fluent with their multiplication facts. Some are not and should be practicing on a daily basis at home.

I was happy with our writing progress this week. MANY students genuinely seem bummed when I asked them to stop writing each day!  They have a lot of great personal narrative ideas that they want to get down on paper.  We spent the end of this week analyzing papers and focusing on three aspects of the rubric (craft, elaboration, and beginnings).  Next week, students will create a story arc for several story examples shared.  The purpose will be for them to see the importance of slowing down in the heart of the story and speeding up during less important parts. 

I will continue to read aloud, Jackie’s Wild Seattle, by Will Hobbs each day.  We will continue discussing/modeling:
*how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges
*compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story
*explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals
*compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g. problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts

I have really emphasized quality student reading responses this week.  During a recent notebook check, I realized this is an area for us to continue working on.  It will be important for students to keep their notebook organized and completed each day.  A portion of their reading effort grade is based on this work. 

Social Studies
We finished our Chapter 1 review page in class on Thursday.  The assessment that I created will allow students to apply the information learned based on a real life situation/decision.  Students will take this assessment on Wednesday.

Each of the five tables in our classroom helped create their own terrarium on Thursday.  The purpose of creating this model is to show how the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere interact with each other.  Over time, students will be writing about their terrarium observations.

Have a fantastic weekend and week!  Remember, if you ever have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.  Thanks for all that you do to support your child and me!


                                                                             Dan Keenoy

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